Tag Archives: flg
For this week’s motivational quote, we focus on the idea of preparation. When preparing for a game, exam, or interview; it’s important to focus on the opponent your playing, the test your taking, and the company your looking to get a job for. However, don’t get too caught up in learning about everything or everyone else. Don’t forget about
Throwback Thursday
For today’s Throwback Thursday, I would like to share a great article written by an old teammate of mine – “When the West Views the East” Greg Murray was the captain of the University of Pennsylvania Men’s Lacrosse team when I was a sophomore. He was the definition of a leader. One game, Greg was pulled from his
FLG Lacrosse Coach Spotlight: Corey Winkoff
Coach’s Name: Corey Winkoff FLG Position: FLG Program Director/Coach High School Experience: Three-year Lacrosse letter winner at Cold Spring Harbor HS Captain of Lacrosse team as a senior Inducted into CSH Hall of Fame Two-time all-county Lacrosse State Champions – 2006 Football LI Champions – 2006 University Experience: 4 year Starter
Top 3 Reasons You Need A Lacrosse Training Clinic
Click here to register for FLG Training Clinics now. 1. Sharpen your Game. An FLG Clinic is the perfect time to focus on different areas of the game as you hone individual skills. Each clinic uses a hands-on coaching approach, setting a strategic goal that allows you to work on a single individual skill.