5 Sunday Night Habits to Win the Week

  1. Clean your room. It’s always difficult going from having the day off, to going back to work or school. What’s even more difficult is coming home to a messy, cluttered room. Clean room, clean mind.
  2. Do some work. Getting work done going into the business or school week can be a great way to start the week. Instead of waking up Monday thinking about how many emails you have to check or assignments you have to complete, you can focus your energy on taking on the next challenge or assignment.
  3. Make your lunch. Your 1pm future self will thank you when you have a balanced meal of protein, veggies, and snacks to fuel you for the remainder of your busy day. You are what you eat.
  4. Lay out your outfit. Mondays can be a drag, help yourself walk smoothly and look fresh by picking out an outfit Sunday night. Look good, feel good.
  5. Pack your bag. Have the right books, organize those folders, charge up that laptop, and zip it up.
We all know 10 minutes in the morning can go as quickly as two. So save yourself the stress. Be prepared. Leave on time. Win the day ahead.
Have any good habits you’d like to share with your fellow studletes? Leave them in the comments below and your tip could be featured in our blog!
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FLG 2015/16 Calendar of Events

So many times I’ve been asked, what do you do? When I respond saying I work for a lacrosse teams and event company, they say “Cool, but what does that mean?”

Below I’ve listed all the events our company runs. From college road tours to national individual recruiting showcases, FLG runs all different types of events in the world of lacrosse.

FLG 2015:16 Events

FLG 2015:16 Events 2

For details, navigate through our website – FLGlacrosse.com

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Mike J. Piegare Foundation


Every year, FLG supports and attends the Michael J. Piegare Foundation Bowlarama. The mission of the Mikey P. Foundation is to nurture and empoThe wer young athletes to be the best they can be and fulfill their athletic dreams. This foundation has supported the growth of lacrosse in non-traditional communities on Long Island, has supported scholarships for studletes, and has supported organizations that promote leadership and development in young studletes. The bowlarama is a great event that helps raise money to support the foundation.

Mikey Piegare was the best FLG Camp counselor the Program ever had. His passion for the game was contagious and was the counselor all players wanted to be around. Mike was a fun, enthusiastic, positive, and quality influence on young athletes. Mike’s foundation supports organizations that work to develop young athletes into becoming great leaders, young men, women, and students.

Tonight was another successful event for a great foundation!

Big thanks to the  Piegare Family and everyone who works hard to make the foundation happen!


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A Thanksgiving Haiku

Time with family.

Be grateful for each moment.

Give. Laugh. Lax. Enjoy.

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Running a Successful Tryout

When running a tryout, our goal is simple: pick the best studletes.


Play hard.

Play selfless.

Are Coachable.


Have a High Lacrosse IQ.

Are Athletic.

Are Tough.


Have Intangibles.

Show potential.

Show they want to get better.

How to Pick the Best Studletes:

Run drills that:

Expose player’s weaknesses.

Make Players think.

Make Players talk.

Make players fight.

Make players tired.

Make players develop.

Make player’s compete.


Legit 9

Our tryouts are more than just a tryout, it’s an experience. An experience that shows how FLG runs it’s program.

Our tryouts expose players to the drills we run, the coaches that coach, and the way we play.

We talk to the player’s at the end of the tryout to discuss one of the most important topics of all, commitment.

Commitment to getting better, commitment to the lifestyle of becoming a collegiate studlete, and a commitment to your team.

Below is the tryout curriculum for tonight’s FLG High School Tryout.

Goalie’s come first from 6:30pm to 7:30pm

Time Drill Time Span
6:30 PM Visualization 10 Minutes
6:40 PM 3v2 Tight Spaces 20 Minutes
2 Groups
7:00 PM Water & Coaches Talk 10 Minutes
7:05 PM Havoc Drill 20 Minutes
3 Cages
7:35 PM Ball Hunt & Huddle 5 Minutes


All Positions (Including Goalies) come from 8:00pm to 10:00pm

Time Drill Time Span
8:00 PM Build-up 1v1s 20 minutes
(A/D) on 1 end
(Mids) on 1 end
8:20 PM Fusion 20 minutes
Butler (A/D) Quads (Mids)
Butler (Mids) Quads (A/D)
8:40 PM 4 By 3 – Blue & White Split (2 games) 20 Minutes
2 man top, 2 behind
2 man top, 1 crease, 1 behind
2 man top, Big little behind
9:00 PM Water & Coaches Talk 10 Minutes
9:10 PM EMO vs MDD – Blue & White Split (2 games) 20 Minutes
4-man vs. 1-3-2
4-man vs. 3-3
9:30 PM Maryland Box Drill – Blue vs. White 20 Minutes
Build up 4v3, 4v4, 5v4, 5v5, 6v5, 6v6
9:50 PM Ball Hunt & Talk as a group 10 Minutes
10:00 PM Dismiss
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Be Thankful.

Be Thankful

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Coaches, preparing your team for a showcase

In the world of lacrosse, there are now two big seasons for high school studletes to get recruited in person, in the fall and in the summer. The weekend before Thanksgiving is typically the last big weekend to get recruited in the fall. As a club director and coach, there are several important to do’s that should go into preparing your player’s for a team recruiting showcase.
Coach preparing players
  1. Organization – make sure the player’s attending the recruiting showcases get a couple of practices with the coaches that will be working with them at the recruiting events. This allows players to familiarize themselves with the coaches and their style. Most importantly, it’s an opportunity for coaches institute or reinforce team concepts that will help player’s shine on the field. At the fall FLG High School Team practices, we focus on fundamentals, clearing and riding game, transition, and having fun.
  2. Confidence – coaches need to understand that their NOT going to convert specific player’s into all-americans over the course of a fall recruiting tournament. Therefore, if a player makes a mistake because he/she isn’t capable, try not to bring that player’s confidence level down. Instead, pick it up. If you have a team of player’s who are confident and having fun, they will always showcase better than a team that’s timid and afraid to make mistakes. At FLG, we try not to point out player’s flaws while they are on the field. Instead, we wait until they get to the sideline and quietly discuss what they could have done differently or wha they need to improve upon.
  3. Rosters – double check that the players on your team are wearing the correct numbered jersey. Meaning, if a you have a lefty attacker with the number 2 and the roster the coaches get shows his/her number as 10, that’s a problem! Make sure to communicate which number player’s should wear before the tournament and confirm it at the tournament. Before the start of the first game, we always go through the roster in the college coaches book with our teams.
  4. Lines – going into game-day, coaches should have his lines written down or printed out on paper. Being organized before the tournament, allows the transition and substation game during play to go smoother. Also, it’s important for player’s with chemistry to run together during games. It allows the team and those individuals to showcase better. If we have a midfield group that has played together for two years, then we’ll keep those players together. Or, if we have two attack men that do a great job working the two-man game, we’ll allow those players to run together.
  5. Early Arrival – get your team to the fields at least 1 hour before the start of their first game. Even though most high school aged player’s have been going these tournaments for year and years, it doesn’t mean they should get to a game 10 mixtures before the start now. Get your player’s in the right mind-set, right away. Get a good stretch, Talk x’s and o’s. Talk strategy. Get ready. Be ready.
I hope these simple suggestions help you as a club coach when you approach game-day of a fall/summer recruiting tournament.
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Studlete Alert – Catherine McAuliffe

It’s great to see our FLG Select player’s excel on and off the field!

Congrats to Catherine McAuliffe for earning the Ed Miranda CYO Award for basketball – demonstrating the values of the CYO! (Catholic Youth Organization)

#Studlete #FLG

FLG 2019, Catherin McAuliffe, earned the Ed Miranda CYO Award for basketball!

FLG 2019, Catherin McAuliffe, earned the Ed Miranda CYO Award for basketball!

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Who is Tehoka Nanticoke?


Who is Tehoka Nanticoke?


A studlete.

An example of why box lacrosse pays off.









Does it all.

Learn more – Tahoka Nanticoke Highlight Video


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Easy Way vs. Right Way


It’s not always easy making the right decision.

Work to protect what’s right.

Do what’s in the best interest of the studletes…

Every day.

Follow FLG on Instagram to learn more about the FLG Program.

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