FLG Holiday Party

FLG looks to build more than just athletes.

Our Program offers off-field activities to grow friendship, build commradery and bring together like-minded people during the holiday season!

Tomorrow we will be kicking off our inaugural FLG Holiday Party. Bowling, food, and tons of fun! All select players of the FLG Program & their families are welcome to come.

Learn more about what the Holiday Party is all about by following FLG on Twitter and Instagram!

FLG Holiday Party


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2015 FLG Recruiting Night

Each year, FLG hosts a Recruiting Night for all current boys/girls in the FLG Select Program

The first hour of the recruiting night consists of a powerpoint presentation on the recruiting process, as well as, an alumni panel with boys/girls representing a variety of colleges.

After the presentation & alumni panel, current FLG families connect with dozens of other FLG Alumni. Our Alumni Community networks, shares experiences, and mentors players in the current FLG Program.

We are really looking forward to another great night!

Location – LIU Post, Hillwood Commons

Date – Monday, December 21st, 2015

Time – 6:30pm to 10:00pm

Questions about starting a Recruiting Night for your program, drop us a comment below!

2015 Recruiting Night

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What is Important

What’s Important to Some

  1. Committing early
  2. Winning tournaments
  3. Playing Division I
What’s Important to Us
  1. Exploring all options and taking control of the recruiting process
  2. Equal opportunity for everyone in the Program, developing on a weekly basis, and competing at a high level consistently
  3. Finding the right school
You pick. #FLG
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FLG College Road Tour – Cabrini College 

Cabrini College, home of the Cavaliers, has two legit lacrosse programs on campus.
Coach Jackie Neary is the spirit of Cabrini College. Her roots at Cabrini runs deep. Being the first full-time coach at the College, Coach Neary has been the Head Women’s Lacrosse and Field Hockey Coach for nearly 20 years. The best way to describe Jackie is, she has it. “It” is hard to describe. One thing we do know for sure, she’s the type of person you want to be around. Her passion and enthusiasm for the game is contagious. Her positive spirit engages you and makes you want to be around her.
We had the pleasure of spending lunch with Coach Neary and her two daughters. Coach Neary has a daughter who’s a current sophomore on the Cabrini Women’s Field Hockey & Lacrosse Teams. Her youngest daughter is a sophomore High School student who is currently going through the recruiting process.
The best part of lunch was hearing all the stories about the Cabrini Women’s alumni and families who have stayed connected with the Program. It’s a pleasure to hear about the impact Coach Neary has made on her ladies throughout their collegiate years and beyond. The fact that Coach Naery gives her girls such a great college experience shows they are more than a collegiate lacrosse team, they’re a collegiate lacrosse Program. Adding to that great experience, Coach Neary makes sure to fundraise and send her team on 1 big trip every 4 years. She’s taken her to team to play in San Diego, London, and Tokyo! She understands the value of those types of experiences for her girls. She told us that those trips are remembered for a lifetime.
Cabrini College Logo
After meeting with Coach Neary, we went down the hall to the office of Head Men’s Lacrosse Coach Steve Colfer. Similar to Coach Neary, Steve Colfer is very educated on Cabrini College. Aside from being the Head Men’s Lacrosse coach, Steve serves as the Assistant Director of Athletics, working closely with the college’s enrollment management division. Coach Colfer’s experience with the admissions process at Cabrini comes in handy as he looks to sell potential studletes on the school. He has a deep understanding of what it takes to play and attend Cabrini College. This helps when talking to recruits because Coach Colfer can discuss the details of getting academic scholarship money with families of potential recruits.
Coach Colfer not only aims to get good students into Cabrini, he aims high when it comes to the player’s he looks to recruit. One comment he made that really stood out, “we recruit Division I talent to come play Division III.” Coach Colfer doesn’t look for Division III Showcases to recruit players. He goes to the top recruiting tournaments, he watches the top High School players, and he does what he can to get them onto Cabrini’s campus. Coach Colfer is all about quality. While some Division III Programs have 18 to 25 players per recruiting class, Coach Colfer brings in 10 to 12. “Of the thousands of talented High School lacrosse recruits in the country, if I cat find 10 to 12 that want to come to Cabrini, then I’m not in the right business.” I really like his mentality. Instead of bringing in tons of kids and hoping a couple pan out, Coach Colfer brings in studletes he really wants and players that really want to come. Coach Colfer doesn’t take his job lightly, he strives to build one of the best Division III Programs in the country.
It’s no surprise that both Cabrini coaches hold a commanding 457-167 all-time record as coaches of the Cavaliers. Being around two winning coaches, at 1 school, was such a rewarding experience. It was so nice to see the synergy between the Men’s & Women’s Lacrosse Programs. With two different styles, both coaches share one thing, enthusiasm for developing studletes at the collegiate level.
Continue to follow our blog to learn more about future stops on the FLG College Road Tour!
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Give the Best of Yourself

Give the Best of Yourself

Play, Show, & Give the best of yourself, every day. #Consistency #FLG #MotivationalMonday


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The best part of this job…

FLG-Google-Plus-Profile-PictureThe best part of your job is the part you’d do for free.

The part of your job you want to talk about.

The part you constantly think about.

For us, it’s coaching.

When we coach on the weekends it’s because that’s where we choose to be, that’s where we want to be, and that’s the part of this job that we love.

At FLG we love coaching because it gives us an opportunity to:












What do you share when you coach? Comment below…




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FLG Box Training Curriculum

Every event we run has a plan.

In the box lacrosse rink, we want our players to learn the nuances of the box lacrosse game, get lots of touches, and have fun.

We do this through putting players through authentic box lacrosse drills, give player’s tons of repetitions, compete in small area games, and keep the tempo up!

Below is an example of the FLG Box Lacrosse Training curriculum.

A few important points worth noting:

  1. Stay on schedule – Have a designated time for each drill.
  2. Keep drills competitive – Keep score of all drills.
  3. Switch up the drills – Execute 4 to 7 drills in an hour and a half – depending on skill level.
  4. Make sure every drill has a purpose – Write why you do the drill and what kids get from it.
  5. What did we learn? – Make sure players verbalize what they learned. Refer back to the drills.
  6. Have fun! – If kids aren’t enjoying your program, then they won’t want to keep coming back.

For questions about running a quality and successful Box Lacrosse Practice or Clinic, shoot us an email at info@flglacrosse.com

FLG Box Training Header

:00                  Hole in 1

Teach precision during wall ball routine

:10                  Wall Ball

                                    Pass, Box-Fake Pass

2 Minutes with each one. Who has the most reps?

Focus on stepping with opposite foot, stick at collar bone, snap passes

:25                  Partner Passing

Outisde, Levers, Inside, Inside Look-ups, Inside Face-dodge Pass

:40                  Punch the Bag

Teach how to drag your defensemen and properly come off a pick

How man goals can the groups score in 2 minutes?

:55                  Pass-downs & Cuts

Teach how to pass-down and immediately cut the floor

                                    How many give-and-goes can you score in 2 minutes

:10                  Doubles

Teach how to play in pairs, sets picks, open the door, dodge to score

:25                  Ball Hunt & Break-down

What did we learn today?!


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$500 Scholarship – Last Chance to Win!

FLG will be accepting nominations for the second annual Studlete Award until this Saturday, December 5th.

The Studlete Award recognizes 1 male and 1 female studlete who exemplifies leadership in their community, school, and sports teams. Candidates must have over a 3.0 GPA, be a junior or senior in High School, and play on at least 1 varsity sport.

Last year, the winners of the inaugural Studlete Award were Jack Tigh (Freshman varsity lacrosse player at Yale) & Brianna Maniscalco (Freshman varsity softball player at Rhodes).

So far, we’ve had numerous applications for the award. To see who wins the 2015 Studlete Award, follow the FLG blog or sign-up for our eNewsletter here!

Studlete Award Image

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516 vs. 631

In 2000, there were two elite boys club lacrosse programs on Long Island, LIMLF “Long Island Metropolitan Lacrosse Foundation” & Team Long Island. LIMLF aka Metro was made up of mostly Nassau County players, while Team Long Island was made up of mostly Suffolk County players.

I had the pleasure of playing for the LIMLF as a kid. Some of my best memories were the games against Team Long Island. We usually got the best of Team Long Island. Reason being, our team was a group of skilled, slick players with a high lacrosse IQ. Team Long Island typically consisted of bigger, stronger, and more athletic players. Even though Team Long Island had the size and athleticism, we had the skill. However, at the end of every game against Team Long Island, I always walked off the field thinking, “once those guys develop their skills, watch out!”


Even today, Suffolk County is filled with tons of athletes that are bigger, faster, and stronger! 15 years after facing Team Long Island in a 7th grade club lacrosse game, the make-up of the lacrosse player’s from Suffolk County has changed, for the better. The big, athletic Suffolk players of the early 21st century have developed some serious skill, lacrosse IQ, and slickness.

Some of the top players on the island hail from Suffolk County Public School Programs. Not only are the best players coming from out east, but some of the best programs on Long Island hail from Suffolk too. The perennial Suffolk powerhouses like Ward Melville and West Islip are being challenged by other big time programs like Sachem North, Smithtown East, Smithtown West, and Northport!

It’s great to see how much the level of lacrosse has grown throughout the island.

I am proud to announce that FLG will be expanding into Suffolk County during the summer of 2016. We’re looking forward to bringing back the youth rivalry between the top lacrosse players in Nassau County and the top players from Suffolk County. The west end vs. the east end. 516 vs. 631.

Stay tuned for more info on FLG’s expansion out east!

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Dear Basketball, Thank You.

For today’s motivational monday, we would like attach a poem written by one of the greatest basketball player’s of all-time, Kobe Bryant.

Kobe’s passion for the game of basketball is evident by the words written in this poem.

We hope you enjoy his address to basketball, fans, spectators, and haters.

I hope this poem motivates you to do 1 thing, be the best!

Photo-credit: zap2it.com

Photo-credit: zap2it.com


Some of you tool me in. Some of you didn’t.

But all of you helped me become the player and man in front of you today.

You gave me confidence to put my anger to good use.

Your doubt gave me determination to prove you wrong.

You witnessed my fears morph into strength.

Your rejection taught me courage.

Whether you view me as a hero or a villain,

please know I poured every emotion, every bit of passion

and my entire self into being a Laker.

What you’ve done for me is far greater than anything I’ve done for you.

I knew that each minute of each game I wore purple and gold.

I honor it as I play today and for the rest of this season.

My love for this city, this team and for each of you will never fade.

Thank you for this incredible Journey

-Kobe Bryant

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