Every event we run has a plan.
In the box lacrosse rink, we want our players to learn the nuances of the box lacrosse game, get lots of touches, and have fun.
We do this through putting players through authentic box lacrosse drills, give player’s tons of repetitions, compete in small area games, and keep the tempo up!
Below is an example of the FLG Box Lacrosse Training curriculum.
A few important points worth noting:
- Stay on schedule – Have a designated time for each drill.
- Keep drills competitive – Keep score of all drills.
- Switch up the drills – Execute 4 to 7 drills in an hour and a half – depending on skill level.
- Make sure every drill has a purpose – Write why you do the drill and what kids get from it.
- What did we learn? – Make sure players verbalize what they learned. Refer back to the drills.
- Have fun! – If kids aren’t enjoying your program, then they won’t want to keep coming back.
For questions about running a quality and successful Box Lacrosse Practice or Clinic, shoot us an email at info@flglacrosse.com
![FLG Box Training Header](http://flg.ebricks04.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/FLG-Box-Training-Header-500x63.jpg)
:00 Hole in 1
Teach precision during wall ball routine
:10 Wall Ball
Pass, Box-Fake Pass
2 Minutes with each one. Who has the most reps?
Focus on stepping with opposite foot, stick at collar bone, snap passes
:25 Partner Passing
Outisde, Levers, Inside, Inside Look-ups, Inside Face-dodge Pass
:40 Punch the Bag
Teach how to drag your defensemen and properly come off a pick
How man goals can the groups score in 2 minutes?
:55 Pass-downs & Cuts
Teach how to pass-down and immediately cut the floor
How many give-and-goes can you score in 2 minutes
:10 Doubles
Teach how to play in pairs, sets picks, open the door, dodge to score
:25 Ball Hunt & Break-down
What did we learn today?!