Author Archives: Corey Winkoff
Did Someone Say FREE Training?
FLG has begun a series of free training clinics and one may be coming soon to a town near you. Check it out! If you’re a student in grades 2-8 and you’ve never experienced FLG’s lacrosse methodology, here’s your chance! These training sessions are free. Even if you’ve participated in other FLG events, you’re invited
Back to Back
2 days until the #FLGBigX tournament! Back 2 back like we’re on the cover of Lethal Weapon. FLG is going back to back this weekend with the Big X Classic immediately followed by the Legit Showcase! We have up to 100 College Coaches rolling through LIU Post over this 5 day span. We still have
Fight or Flight
You’re not feeling like yourself, you’re groggy, you’re tired, you’re nauseous. You have a lacrosse tournament tomorrow morning. Your team has prepared for this tournament for months. Countless practices, individual training sessions, and chalk talks went into getting the team ready for competition. You’re not feeling yourself, so how do you choose to approach this
How a Studlete Prepares for Finals
Find people outside of your friend group to study with. You will have a tendency to be more focused if you study with a group of classmates, as opposed to a group of friends. Use index/flash cards and rewrite your notes to study. eFlash cards are a great way to save paper! Whatever works though.
Don’t Fear Failure
Now, we’re not talking about quitting a project that will never amount to anything or quitting a dead-end job, we’re talking about quitting on the necessary steps to become a winner. For John Wooden, these necessary steps can be shown in a pyramid. Below I’ve listed some of these steps that must be taken to
Do You Love This Game?
Hey Fellas… Do you love this game? Use Password (flg) Ladies… Do you love this game? Use Password (flg)
Delany Comerford = Studlete
This past weekend was the second year of the FLG Premier Showcase Series. Over the weekend, nearly 1,000 uncommitted High School aged studletes came to Long Island to compete in front of hundreds of College Coaches. Yesterday, 1 studlete in particular impressed, inspired, and implied. Delany Comerford was a 2018 defender from Garden City, NY.