Author Archives: Corey Winkoff
The Holiday
A time to Refresh. Recharge. Unwind. Organize. Explore. Reminiss. Reflect. Appreciate. Rest. Run. Repeat.
Introvert or Extrovert?
I’m reading an interesting book called The Introvert Advantage: How to Survive in an Extrovert World, by Marti Olsen Laney, Psy.D. In the book, Marti discusses how introverts can thrive in a world filled with extroverts, she discusses where introverts and extroverts get their energy sources, and she uncovers the personality characteristics of introverts vs.
Free to Fail
In the lacrosse industry, as in many other industries, success if publicized frequently. Visit a club lacrosse programs web-page and see the players from their program and where they’ve committed to play college lacrosse. Follow the twitter feeds of collegiate lacrosse teams and see a time-line of their successful seasons. Read the biography for any
First Instinct
Your instincts are innate. They help make decisions, quick, and without thinking. This natural intuition helps you react to a certain person, situation, or stimuli for a reason. Trust that reasoning. Follow your first instincts more. They will take you farther, quicker. T hank your ancestors, trust your instincts.
A Better You.
Why haven’t you earned that starting spot? Why did you start and fail to finish that good read? Why were your grades better in the first semester than they are now? Why are you afraid to speak up for what’s right when others may disagree? How come your no longer a part of chess club?
Are Power Conferences Good for HS Sports?
A debate worth mentioning. Power conferences are coming into discussion and into fruition throughout Long Island. The girls, well ahead of the guys game, have had a power conference for years in Nassau County with teams being split up based on ability. Nassau Boys B & C Leagues are broken up by ability as well. Counties across
Scout Mindset
Julia Galef examines the motivation behind two different mindsets. On the one side, you have the soldier mindset – defending ones viewpoint at all costs. The other side, the scout mindset – the drive to see what’s really there. She explains how scouts are motivated to find the truth, they are curious, and thinks it’s
Improve Yourself
Scoring Academy Winter Session 1
FLG’s Scoring Academy Winter Session 1 starts tonight! Check out what we will be teaching to get our scoring academy going tonight: Mechanics 101 Techniques on how to properly shoot on the run Catch it loaded and having proper hand positioning Get your hands out, back, and up Proper footwork and torque to generic a