The central theme of this amazing work, is that people can improve almost any experience they may engage in (even something that normally may be seen as boring or unpleasant), by learning how to order their own consciousness. Csikszentmihalyi outlines ways to control your consciousness and thereby improve the quality of your life. He calls the truly satisfying state of consciousness, Flow. In terms of athletics, it reminds me of the often used term, “in the zone”.
He goes on to give examples of Flow Activities and the Conditions that must be present for Flow, to occur. These conditions are broken down into “Elements of Engagement”. They are listed here.
- It must be a Challenging Activity that requires skills.
- Action and Awareness must be combined. It requires your complete attention, and you become one with the activity.
- It must have Clear Goals and give Feedback (this reminds me of a “wallball” session, if done well).
- It requires Total Concentration on the Task at Hand. You must block out all else and be totally focused.
- There is a Sense of Control. There is a calmness and lack of worry.
- There is a Loss of Self-Consciousness. People are so focused on the activity, they are no longer pre-occupied with “self”.
- Flow Activities are able to Transform Time. Many athletes, performers, artists etc., report losing track of time, during Flow Activities.
The Chart above shows the relationship between Challenges and the Skills required to meet those challenges. To get into the “Flow Channel” (or, “in the zone”), the Challenge Level must be met with the necessary amount of skills. As Challenges increase in difficulty, so too, the Skills Level must rise. If you have more Skills than required you will be bored. If the Challenge is too much for your Skill Level, you will be anxious. For “Optimal Experience” you want to be in the “Flow Channel”.
This is not an easy book to read. But like most good things, it is worth the work!