John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success
The final Building Block in Coach Wooden’s Pyramid of Success, is Competitive Greatness. Great Competitors relish great challenges. The more difficult something is, the harder you have to work to achieve it, making it that much more satisfying when you do. If you have the rest of the Building Blocks in place, you will be able to find your competitive greatness.
Wooden is not talking about winning. He is referring to the exhilaration you feel when you have faced something that has challenged your “mind, body and spirit”. When you are able to muster all that is required to meet such a challenge, you have succeeded.
At the Apex of his Pyramid, Coach Wooden defines Success this way. “Success is peace of mind that is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.”
Coach Wooden coached for many years before winning a championship. His team’s at UCLA ultimately won 10 NCAA Championships in 12 years. But his definition of success does not include winning. It is about the Journey and the experiences you have and lessons you learn along the way.